To add inputs and other sources (e.g. remote cameras, media player, etc.), navigate to the Inputs tab in the lower left quadrant of the Studio interface. Some inputs will have already been added automatically such as graphics, two media players, and any detected cameras.

To add more inputs such as a remote camera, select Add Input.

A menu will open up with a variety of options:
- Local Camera: Any cameras that are physically connected to your computer, including webcams and screens for screen capturing.
- Remote: Sources that can communicate with Studio via the local network, such as Mevo, Broadcasters, iOS and Android devices, Mac and Windows desktops, and NDI inputs. Any devices already on the network and waiting for Studio will be listed here automatically.
- Live Interview: Invite guests from different locations to be a part of your production via their webcam and browser. Studio only supports one interview.
- Stream: Bring in other streams, such as RTMP and RTSP playback, RTMP Ingest, or other events on Livestream.
- Media: Add media bins to playback pre-recorded videos such as highlights or montages.
- GFX: Up to 3 graphics overlay channels can be individual sources such as picture-in-picture graphics or fullscreen scoreboards.
- Audio Only: Bring in audio via USB or the direct inputs on the HD550 or Studio One hardware units. You may add up to eight (8) Audio Only inputs.
Unless otherwise specified (i.e. Live Interview, GFX, and Audio Only), Studio allows for up to 50 total sources to be added (e.g. 25 local cameras and 25 remote cameras, but no additional inputs).

Each source you add will appear in a list in the inputs menu. You can re-order your inputs dragging and dropping them up and down via the drag handle on the left side; this will also change the order they appear in the multi-view.

Each source will be given a default name, but you can edit this by hovering the cursor over it and selecting the pencil icon that appears.

For local cameras, use the Device drop-down menu to choose which capture device and input (e.g. SDI or HDMI) should be used for each source.

To configure settings for any source, select the corresponding gearwheel to enter its settings menu.

Along the left side of the menu are menu options such as your audio source for that input, along with additional settings.

Under General is where you can choose the audio source tied to the select video source. Many camera sources and capture devices, such as the Blackmagic DeckLink Quad or DeckLink Mini Recorder, will only support embedded audio through their SDI and HDMI inputs. Other Blackmagic cards, such as DeckLink Studio, will support embedded, analog, or AES/EBU audio via the provided Blackmagic breakout cable.
Blackmagic analog audio inputs MUST be accompanied by a video input source to be active. If a video signal is not coming into the card, audio will not come through either.

Learn more about input settings.
If this is a source you will need to quickly access often, you can pin it so that a tab to it becomes available alongside your other production elements. Select the pin icon to do this.

To return to the general Inputs menu, click the back button in the upper left corner.

If you have a Studio Surface or Surface Go connected to your system, you can assign the tracks under the Surface slot column. If you do not have a Studio Surface product, this menu will not be present.

To remove an input, select the trash icon on the right side of the corresponding source.