You can stream directly from the Livestream Studio software to other services using any RTMP server (e.g. Wowza, Akamai, etc.) as well as Zixi. Both use-cases have very similar interfaces.
Under the Stream tab, click the streaming protocol you plan to use (RTMP or Zixi).
At the top of the module, configure a stream title and streaming quality.
Click the gearwheel to adjust your aspect ratio or choose a default network for sending your stream.
With RTMP streaming, you need to get the RTMP URL from your streaming provider in order for Studio to know where to send the stream. Zixi provides a similar URL.
Paste the appropriate URL into the Stream URL field.
Studio now supports streaming via RTMPS protocol; select RTMP as your provider and paste the RTMPS URL in the Stream URL field. Studio will recognize the protocol and send it as such.
Some streaming providers only give a single Stream URL with the stream key included, while others provide the stream URL and stream key separately. If your provider does the latter, click switch your view to see two text fields: Stream URL and Stream Key
Clicking Advanced Settings will show additional options, such as importing the configuration XML file (Import From FMLE), enabling authorization, and choosing which network to stream over if you do not wish to use your
Zixi users will see the option to enter a Zixi password, as well as the option to use a bonded connection or specify a network under their Advanced Settings. Checking Use Bonding will automatically use all available networks to which your Studio PC is connected.
When your RTMP or Zixi settings are configured, click Go Live to start streaming to your destination.
Studio will start streaming your content to your destination and display information such as outgoing frame rate and bitrate. Any potential issues will display in the log on the right side.
When your event is over, click the red Streaming button to end your stream.