In Livestream Studio, you have the option of using a macOS desktop system as a remote camera source by connecting it to Studio over your local network connection. This is great for adding a slideshow presentation into your production.
Installing the Remote Client
First, be sure to connect your remote macOS computer to the same network access point to which the computer running Livestream Studio is connected. You will then need to install the Studio Remote Desktop client.
Double-click the Livestream Studio Remote Camera.dmg file in your Finder to start the installer.

Drag the Livestream Studio Remote Camera into the Applications folder.

Go to the applications folder and double click on Livestream Studio Remote Camera to open the application.

You will see this window pop up indicating that the remote camera icon will appear in your menu bar at the top of your screen. You can choose to prevent the message from appearing again.

Make sure the remote system is on the same network as your Livestream Studio system. It will run in the background until you close it. You can close it by clicking on the icon in the menu bar and clicking Close.
When the Remote Client is running, you can click the icon and click Settings to make further adjustments to your remote camera source.

Computer Name: The name that will appear in the remote camera module for your remote camera source.
Checked sources will be available to use from this system as a remote camera source. This will include any connected cameras and screens. Uncheck any sources you do not want to use.
Encoder Quality: The resolution you want the video to stream over your network to Livestream Studio. Slower CPU's should use a lower resolution.
Encoder Framerate: The frame rate you want the video to stream over your network to Livestream Studio. Slower CPU's should use 'half-speed FPS (30p).'
Adding and Configuring a Remote Source in Livestream Studio:
Once the client is installed on the remote system and is running, you can use it as a source in Livestream Studio.
In Studio, navigate to the Inputs tab then select Add Input > Remote. If Studio can find the remote system over your local network connection, you should see it come up as an option.

Select your Mac computer to activate it in Studio. It will appear in the bottom of the Inputs list.
You can hover your cursor over the name (e.g. "Remote 1") and click the pencil icon that appears to rename it. If you need a different remote source, click the drop-down menu to select one. Next to this will be an indicator informing you of the connection status (e.g. "Perfect Streaming").
Click the gear wheel next to the far right of the remote camera source in the list to access further settings.

Video Source: The remote client has the ability to use either the system's desktop, an attached webcam, or an installed Blackmagic capture device as a video source. Use the drop-down menu to select which one you want to use.
Monitor: If you select 'Desktop' as the video source and the remote system has multiple displays, you can configure which display you would like to use as a source by selecting it from the drop-down menu.
Capture Device: If you select a webcam or other connected camera as your video source and have more than one installed on your system, choose which one you want to use.
Audio Source: You also have the option of selecting from any of your available audio devices. The default is the standard system audio output.
Capture Mouse Cursor: Unselect this option if you would not like to see the mouse cursor on the remote system.
Learn about additional input settings.
If you are not seeing any options on the list within the Remote Cam tabs, please check the following:
- Make sure the remote system is on the same network, connected to the same Router or Access Point as your Studio system.
- If the system is on the same network but using a different access point, the Remote Camera will not properly connect.
- Check that the following ports are open if you use a Firewall:
- UDP: 5353, 60936 - 61036
- TCP: 60936 - 61036
- Check that Bonjour Service service is enabled on the Studio system.