You will need to connect the system to a network and retrieve the IPMI network address (assigned DHCP unless changed to static) from the system BIOS. This can be done by the following steps:
- Pressing the “DEL” key during system boot up.
- Navigate over to the “IPMI Tab”
- Navigate down to and select the “BMC network configuration” menu item
- Make note of the Station IP address
- If DHCP is not assigned, either assign a IP address or Select the Configuration Source and change to DHCP.
- In order to change the IPMI settings you will need to ensure that “Update IPMI LAN Configuration” is set to “YES” a reboot will be required and you will need to start at step 4(a) again.
- Input the noted IP address into a browser window of a system with access to the Network the IPMI system is on.
- User name: ADMIN / Password: ADMIN
- In your browser window select “Fan Mode” from the “Configuration” drop down
- You will be presented with a choice of (3) options “Standard” , “Full” , “Optimal” , (you will need to experiment with these to determine which setting offers the cooling you need and an acceptable fan noise level.)
- Select “Save” and exit the browser and reboot.