Install the NewTek NDI Tools Pack which is a free download
The file you download is an installer, “NewTek NDI Tools.exe”. Run the installer and follow the onscreen instructions to install the NDI Tools to your chosen system.
Launch the Scan Converter application from your Start menu. This will be found under the NDI 4 Tools
Once this application is launched, your entire Desktop on your main display, as well as any additional displays you may have attached, will each be shared as an individual NDI source which can be added to Studio.
If you wish to further define what is shared, you can define a “Region of Interest” (ROI for short)
You will have noticed that when you launched Scan Converter, it added an icon to your right side task bar.
You can Right Click on this icon to access configuration options allowing you to set audio and web cam access to send over NDI as well if needed.
You can access the ROI settings under the Capture Settings menu here. By selecting the Region of Interest option here you are telling the software you wish to only send the defined area of your desktop over NDI. There will be a check mark next to Region of Interest to indicate that you are in ROI mode..
You can select the Configure Roi option to bring up a window which will allow you to define the area you wish to share. You can move this window and manipulate its size to suit your needs.
Here I have defined my PowerPoint presentation as a ROI so I can share only PowerPoint while continuing to work in another application off to the side on my single display. You will see that the ROI box only encompasses my PowerPoint presentation.
You can then move over to Livestream Studio, which will be running on the same network as your Windows System with Scan Convertor and add your new NDI source to your project. (It is important to note that Livestream Studio will detect each display on your Scan Convertor machine as its own NDI source. Your main display will be listed as #1 and each additional display will be listed as #2 #3 …. )
In my case, I will be adding Display #1 on which I have defined my ROI for PowerPoint. Once added you will see your new input listed as NDI: 1(this number based on how many NDI inputs you have and may differ from this example)